
Grow a Meyer Lemon in a Pot

Meyer lemon sorbet recipe from the book Grow Lemons Where You Think You Can’t

Meyer lemon sorbet recipe from the book Grow Lemons Where You Think You Can’t

Emma made Meyer lemon sorbet yesterday.

She made it with home-grown Meyer lemons, picked in Toronto in the month of May.

Steven has grown lemons since the 1990s—but it was a visit to Bob Duncan at Fruit Trees and More Nursery in British Columbia that inspired him to write his book Grow Lemons Where You Think You Can’t.

Victoria has a mild climate, so Bob grows lemons espaliered on the side of his house. Over the winter, he used incandescent light strings and row-cover fabric to protect the lemon trees.

Steven and Emma dig into growing lemons in colder climates—and why lemons are an idea container plant.

Did you know that in addition to the fruit, you can use lemon leaves in the kitchen?

There are many ways to keep lemon trees over the winter, even without a greenhouse or a bright south-facing window.

Find Out How to Grow Your Own Lemons

Harvest more lemons this year. Grow Lemons in Cold Climates Masterclass shows you how to grow a lemon tree in a pot or outside with protection. And get lemons!

Lemon Book

Ever thought about growing a lemon tree in a pot? This book tells you how.

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