
Creating Change with Fruit Trees

Virginie Gysel talks about transforming the grounds of a local church into an edible garden and founding TreeMobile.

Virginie Gysel talks about transforming the grounds of a local church into an edible garden and founding TreeMobile.

Neighbourhood Church Garden

Virginie Gysel joins us to talk about transforming the grounds of a neighbourhood church into an orchard and food garden.

It started when she approached the church about growing vegetables on the property in exchange for looking after the flower gardens. She didn’t have anywhere sunny to grow tomatoes in her own yard.

It led to an orchard on a south-facing hill and lots of community engagement.

She gives bags of produce to church members, donates the harvest to those in need, as well as sharing the harvest amongst volunteers.

“I didn’t have anywhere to grow tomatoes.”


Gysel founded the volunteer-run project TreeMobile that supplies food-bearing trees and shrubs at a low cost to home gardeners.

“Everyone is talking about food security, but I think we need to start planting for it.”

Gysel says that this self-supporting program also gives grants to schools, church groups, and community groups.

Designing Landscapes

Gysel loves her work in landscape design. When clients are interested, she likes to integrate edible plants.

“I just realized this is the most amazing job in the world.”

She shares some of her top choices for home gardeners thinking about growing fruit. Currants top the list.

“If you have a boring old hedge, why not rip it out and plant a hedge of currants.”

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